A 21st century ode to the Proverbs 31 woman.
A strong and capable woman, who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.
She is a woman of integrity and her friends and family are full of gratitude to know her.
She strives to do good but sometimes she fails. She continues to strive anyway.
She makes wise spending choices and uses her money ethically.
She willingly uses her hands to build but she knows when to tear things down.
She is not afraid of new experiences and her mind is open to be changed.
She rests when she can and does not make a virtue out of busyness.
She cares for those who depend on her by serving them humbly, but she retains her sense of self and asks for help when she needs it.
She is decisive and unafraid of taking risks. Sometimes she succeeds. Sometimes she fails. She plants a garden anyway in the hope that one day it will grow.
When it is a struggle to face a new day, she takes a deep breath, rolls up her sleeves, braces herself and says:‘Let’s do this.’
She knows her own worth and the contribution she makes to the world. In the face of pain and adversity, her light shall not go out.
She enjoys using her hands to create things. She might not be skilful or talented but she defiantly creates anyway. When she has created something she looks at it and is unafraid to declare it good.
She practices open-handed charity and is generous to all. She shares what she has with others and her maxim is, ‘what is mine is yours.’
She is sometimes afraid for the people she cares about but is grateful for the love they have between them and the God who is among them.
She may sometimes desire material things; designer silks of purple and gold, but she is always clothed in God’s loving care and she knows which looks better on her.
She radiates strength and dignity and laughs long and often, because life is both wonderful and also ridiculous and she commits to revelling in it all.
She uses her words wisely, recognising that they have the power to both wound and to heal.
She is unafraid to look in a mirror, feel proud of herself and believe God’s words: ‘Daughter, you are beloved.’
All who know her rise up and call her blessed.
A strong and capable woman, who can find? She is at the city gates and in the slums. She is at home with her children and she is at the office. She is a fledgling and she is an emerita. She is feminine and masculine; she is both and neither. She is childless and heartbroken, and she is childless by choice. She is single and searching. She is single and contented to be so. She is a wife and a partner. She is young and old, fierce and gentle, untamed and free. She is God’s wonderful creation and she is more precious than all the jewels in all the world.
She is woman.
By Jayne Manfredi
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